Preview environment

typealias CacheFactory

export type CacheFactory = ( managerType: CacheConstructors[Exclude<keyof Caches, OverriddenCaches>], holds: Caches[(typeof manager)['name']][1], manager: CacheConstructors[keyof Caches],) => (typeof manager)['prototype'] extends DataManager<infer Key, infer Value, any> ? Collection<Key, Value> : never;

Returns: A Collection used to store the cache of the manager.

Union Members

( managerType: CacheConstructors[Exclude<keyof Caches, OverriddenCaches>], holds: Caches[(typeof manager)['name']][1], manager: CacheConstructors[keyof Caches],) => (typeof manager)['prototype'] extends DataManager<infer Key, infer Value, any> ? Collection<Key, Value> : never